Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Since there is
chest pain you should urgently see a Doctor or ER for an urgent EKG and rule out any cardiac problem.
You already are a known case of
neck pain for which you are visiting chiropractor, wrong adjustment can cause increase in neck pain or
referred pain to the chest and upper back.
There can be a local problem of myalgia, spasm and so on.
This can be diagnosed by clinical evaluation, examination by your Doctor and MRI of the
cervical spine to see for any prolapsed discs or son.
Take an anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen if it suits you.
You also will need
muscle relaxant and stop taking the child merely by hand as it will exert more on muscles strains of any sort.
Consult your Doctor to have clinical examination and request for investigations to get n appropriate diagnosis and get treated as per the exact causes to get a permanent relief.
Mild headache and dizziness is known to occur due to cervical spondilitis among many other reasons. Get checked for this too and you will get the symptomatic treatment for these too.